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Technology, gadgets, smart phone
these things are weaving into every fabric of our lives
Every day, an update
Every week, a fresh release
Every month, a new invention
at Morthan
we will bring to you the most trendy surprise
to cater your geeky appetise

What we do
We work on projects where things have stagnated
We superimpose technology onto ordinary products
We bring you up-to-speed with the trends
We take stuff and make them"smart"

Virtual reality
"Have you ever had a dream, Neo,
that you were so sure was real?"
---Morpheus [The Matrix (1999)]

Miniature models
"I shudder at the image they would piece
---Roger Vadim

work & projs

Contact Me
Thanks for your interest in our work. For any inquiries, feedback, or something to tell us, please contact me and I’ll be happy to assist you.
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